The Rabbula Cross

The Rabbula Cross is reproduced from
Folio 3 b[138] Canon I, I of the Rabbula
Gospels Manuscript. The
Manuscript, which contains 292 Folios, was written
in 586 A.D. by the hand of an unknown person named Rabbula. The
was inscribed in Syriac
Estrangelo at the Monastery of Saint John of Zagba
in Mesopotamia (today's Iraq). The
Rabbula Gospels Manuscript contains
splendid calligraphy and radiant illumination. It is the most celebrated
of Eastern illuminated codices. Hence, the
Manuscript is indispensable
in the study of Syriac and Eastern sacred Christian art. From the Monastery
of St. John of Zagba, the
Rabbula Gospels Manuscript was transferred several
times between monasteries. Recorded events on some of the
Folios indicate
that between the 11th and the 15th centuries, the
Manuscript was in the
possession of the Maronite Patriarch at his Seat at
Our Lady of Mayfouq
in the Ilige Valley and later at his Seat at
Our Lady of Qannobin in the
Qadisha Valley. Since 1497, the
Rabbula Gospels Manuscript has been housed
at the
Medicaean-Laurentian Library in Florence, Italy.
The Rabbula Cross is the official logo of the Maronite American Research
Institute (MARI).
Bibl.: The Rabbula Gospels: Facsimile Edition of the Miniatures of the
Syriac Manuscript PLUT. I, 56 in the Medicaean-Laurentian Library. Edited
and Commented upon by C. Cecchelli, G. Furlani, and M. Salmi, (Olten and
Lausanne, 1959); and Stephanus Evodius Assemanus, Bibliothecae Mediceae
Laurentianae et Palatinae Codicum mms Orientalium Catalogus..., (Florence,
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