“Another great issue of the JMS (January 2000). Your editorial packed power. In Christ.”

“My name is Antoine Harb.  I am a 24-year-old student living in Canada.  My family’s origins are from Tannoureen.  I would like to thank you for your wonderful and thought-provoking informative site.  I have learned so much about my history and I teach my sisters what I learn too.  I look forward to reading all new issues and I am anxious for the next April edition. P.S Is there anyway that I can contribute to this organization. Do you need any editing in English? Thank you and God Bless.”
From, Canada

“Thank you for the Journal of Maronite Studies, I’m so proud of you and of Lebanon. You are doing a great job.”

"I would like to express my appreciation of your site and the resources it makes available to the wider public."
From Canada

“The editorial about God's plan really hit hard and impacted me.  Not only this article but also all the articles in MARI have made me bond more with my Christianity.  I am Roman Catholic, but the closest Maronite church is 50 miles from me.  I am learning a lot from the articles.  Religion has taken on a new meaning for me. Just knowing that I am descended from the first converts to Christianity makes me proud of my heritage.  Something keeps drawing me to Lebanon.  My grandparents came over close to 100 years ago but I keep having a feeling that I have to visit.  There is a bond.  I feel that my religion is being revitalized.  I look forward to the articles.  It is also a learning experience for me.  I am always looking for more information on my religion and heritage and I feel that MARI has filled that need.  Guita you are to be commended for doing such a good job. God Bless You.”
From Pennsylvania, USA
“The Journal of Maronites Studies tuvo un gran impacto sobre mi. Nosotros somos descendiente de emigrantes, y ustedes deben trabajar duro para que nosotros nunca perdamos nuestras tradiciones. Hay que tratar de evangelizar "libanizar" siempre, de este modo mis descendientes siempre sabran que son maronitas y que su origen esta en el Líbano. Realmente es una revista de investigación, donde yo estoy aprendiendo mucho. Si no sería por ustedes y por San Marón Church, ya no seríamos más "libaneses". Los armenios y los judíos nunca pierden su identidad, pero los maronitas por lo general, cuando migran la pierden, por eso, Ianlla!!”
From Argentina, South America

"MARI's work is of historic significance; probably the most important in the history of Maronite migration. We are very proud and From Lebanon 

"Pleased to know that such in-depth study is taking place and being presented to the world."
From Johannesburg, South Africa

"Thank you so much for your Journal of Maronite Studies. It is helping us know who the Maronites are. There are only two pages written about the Maronites in Russian. Your work has made it possible to learn about your heritage in a language known to us more than Arabic. St. Sharbel is becoming more and more famous in Russia: A Lebanese Saint who cures Russian Orthodox people! Keep up the good work."
Rom Russia

“Je me permets de vous féliciter de tout Coeur pour votre admirable travail pour mieux faire connaitre et aimer l’Eglise Maronite Catholique notre Mère. Que Dieu vous bénisse et vous recompense pour toute la peine que vous prenez sur vous. Je me sens très uni à vous et je vous assure de ma sympathie. Je suis plein d'admiration en apprenant que vous êtes des volontaires non-payés. Je ne sais trouver les mots pour vous encourager encore dans votre mission au service de l'Eglise et des hommes de bonne volonté. Oui, que Dieu vous bénisse et que lui-même soit votre récompense. Je prie le Seigneur de vous bénir, vous et tous vos collaborateurs et qu'il vous donne de poursuivre votre importante mission spirituelle et humaine. ”
From Jerusalem

"I would like to congratulate you on your Journal of Maronite Studies. It is very informative, easy to read, yet has an uncanny level of intellectualism that does not derail non-scholarly people from reading it…. I am fascinated by your church and heritage and therefore decided to conduct research and write my thesis on the Maronites. I hope to enlist your help when needed. May God bless you and your endeavor."
From Holland 

"The Journal of Maronite Studies has provided a positive outlet for me with respect to sharing information about my Maronite Catholic heritage.  While there are other outlets for this, they are in large part localized.  The JMS has a worldwide reach because of the power of the Internet.  As a source, the articles are well- written and well-researched providing a valuable tool as I continue to explore my roots.  In terms of helping people on their personal spiritual journey, the JMS is, and I believe should remain, a source of inspirational stories and research, but its true value can be realized only by those who are predisposed to the journey that may evolve. Keep the presses rolling -- the JMS has tremendous potential.  The surface has been scratched but underneath are treasures that cannot be fathomed at this time."
From Virginia, USAmerica

“I am a Latin Catholic living in Ohio, the United States of America. The Journal of Maronite Studies, which I receive through email, has uplifted me during some of my darkest hours.  Through it, I have been able to understand, and share in the spiritual strength and beauty of the people of Lebanon.  Through it, I have come to know in my heart that Lebanon and her people are precious gifts from God, given to this world, as it lives on the bitter edge of hope.  I have learned about the lives and miracles of the saints of Lebanon, especially St. Sharbel.  I have learned of the kind of faith in God that enables one to continue along the road toward sanctity, even in the midst of overwhelming trials.  I have been able to share these lessons with others of many faiths.  Through the lessons that I have learned with the never failing help of the editor and staff, I have been able to impart hope, which has helped people in my state to rid themselves of despair and return to their faith in the power of prayer. This wonderful journal has caused me to pick up my Bible again, and read God's messages on Lebanon.  It has helped me and many that I come in contact with to have the desire to stand tall and sturdy, always reaching upward, just like one of His great cedar trees.  I have learned of the heritage of a humble, yet great Christian people and of the holy land of their birth.  And I will continue to take these lessons with me, sharing them with people in my own country. May the blessings of Almighty God always be with you.”
From Ohio, USA

"I would like to share with you my enthusiasm and feelings when I first visited your web site. We no longer feel alone here in Cyprus, since the moment we realized that the Maronite Catholics of the whole world could learn about their Christian heritage and communicate via your site, irrespective of place, time and living conditions." 
From Nicosia, Cyprus 

"Sometimes in our quest to be Maronite Catholic, we forget the very simple idea that Jesus Christ wants us to evangelize the world for Him.  And so our intellectual inquiries into our history, Syriac and Arabic cultural background, and religious development and beliefs are only valid and useful if we remember it is all for Christ.  I must say that MARI has always remembered this very simple Christian principle. That being said, I think you have brought intellectual and spiritual inquiry to a higher level, especially to the general audience.  By taking advantage of the Internet, you have made this inquiry accessible to all.  Let me just list some of the things I learned from MARI through the Journal of Maronite studies: It was the first place I found the writings of St. Theodoret of Cyr on St. Maron and his disciples; it was the first place that I found covered in detail the history and situation of our brothers and sisters, the Maronites in Cyprus; it was the first place where I learned about St. Aquilina, the martyr saint of Byblos…. Without your efforts we all would know less about the Maronite Church. Sometimes we here in America take for granted our freedoms.  For those of you in Lebanon and in the Middle East to carry on evangelization, as you are through MARI, is a very brave thing.  God bless."
From California, USA